As believers, we should always be seeking to worship God for who he is, for his greatness and his works. The Hebrew word for worship can be translated as “bowing low”. Although we don’t need to physically bow, worship should begin with a deep respect and reverence for God, and we need to consider the attitude of our hearts towards Him.
Our worship should not be confined to what we might consider to be our regular ‘church services’ or to other specific events: it should also be seen and demonstrated in how we live our daily lives.
Worship is an active response by the believer to the character, words and actions of God. We are called upon to worship him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23). We should do this by honouring him, serving him and obeying him.
In Exodus 20:3, God instructed the Israelites to worship him only: ‘You shall have no other gods before me’. This still applies to us today. In a world that is far from being centred around God, it is easy for distractions to take us away from what he intended. Worship should flow from our hearts continually (Psalm 34:1-3) as those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, to glorify God for all that he has done.
Our worship should not be confined to what we might consider to be our regular ‘church services’ or to other specific events: it should also be seen and demonstrated in how we live our daily lives. To demonstrate the attitude of worship in this way, we need to consider how we can use the talents God has given us for his glory. Maybe you or another young person in your assembly has creative abilities. Why not use that ability to design leaflets for a church outreach event? Maybe you are learning to play an instrument and could play at your family services; or if you enjoy baking, maybe you could make something for a church member who is lonely or needs encouragement. There are numerous possibilities; never think you are too young or not talented enough.
‘And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’ (Col. 3:17)
Jenny Gregory, The Church of God in Birmingham