#BeroeanLikes: Maybe It’s Ok – We Are Messengers

Whatever is going on in the world and however isolated we may feel we must never forget that God is always with us and watching over us; his spirit is in those who believe.
We Are Messengers – Maybe It’s Ok (Official Music Video)

One radio station I frequently listen to is UCB, this is where I first heard the band We Are Messengers. Over the past few weeks, through all this uncertainty, one song of theirs has particularly stood out to me: Maybe It’s Ok. The repetitive and powerful words of the chorus caught my immediate attention:

Maybe it’s ok if I’m not ok
‘Cause the one who holds the world is holding onto me
Maybe it’s alright if I’m not alright
Cause the one who holds the stars is holding my whole life

These words echoed to me the writings of Psalm 73, in particular verse 23 – ‘nevertheless I am continually with you, you hold my right hand’.

Whatever is going on in the world and however isolated we may feel we must never forget that God is always with us and watching over us; his spirit is in those who believe. We can experience his presence during our time spent in God’s word and in prayer.

‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1:9)

Esther Halliwell, The Church of God Liverpool

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